This is what happens to your body when you stop drinking alcohol

Alcohol is widely accepted around the globe.

Countless people have also become too dependent on alcohol that it’s taking a serious toll on their health.

With that thought in mind, was there an instance in your life that you’ve considered giving up booze?

You should as this will bring significant changes in your health.

When you stop drinking alcohol, you can reduce the risk of cancer, improve your heart health, and live a better life in general.

Still not convinced?

A lack of alcohol can even have major improvement on the healthiness of your skin, but more on that later.

1. A better sleep quality
Alcohol is a depressant that causes your body to slow down and make you sleepy.

Drinking is also linked with disrupted sleep since the body is exerting more effort than normal to metabolize the alcohol.

Sure, a few drinks can help you sleep quickly, but after you’ve metabolized it all, you’ll likely wake up or have a bad sleep quality.

In short, alcohol results in shorter, less quality sleep.

2. More energy and better moods
Sleeping better means you’ll be more energized.

Drinking depletes your body’s supply of vitamin B, which is important for sustained energy.

Like most nutrients, B vitamins don’t just have a single purpose.

As such, you may see a noticeable change in your energy and mood with alcohol on your body.

Suffice it to say, giving up on alcohol won’t just elevate your energy levels, but also helps improve your mood.

3. Promotes better digestion
Even in small doses, alcohol can adversely affect your digestion.

That’s because it alters the stomach’s secretion of gastric acid and its gastric motility, or its ability to break down ingested food.

When these digestive functions are impaired, your digestion naturally suffers.

4. Improves the heart health
Consuming alcohol can increase the level of triglycerides and bad fats in the blood.

As a result, it can lead to plaque buildup in the arteries, causing heart disease.

So, if you want to avoid getting heart problems, then quitting alcohol is a must.

5. A healthier skin
Alcohol leeches fluids from your body.

In a nutshell, it causes you to pee more than when you aren’t drinking alcohol.

Moreover, alcohol also reduces the body’s production of antidiuretic hormones that assist the body in reabsorbing water.

After a few days of alcohol abstinence, your skin will look and feel more hydrated and healthier.

Skin problems like eczema, rosacea, or dandruff may also improve.

6. Reduces the chances of liver disease
Regular drinking of alcohol on both men and women can result in fatty liver.

A fatty liver occurs when the liver transforms glucose into fat and sends it around the body to store it.

Alcohol can change the way the liver handles fat, causing it to get stuffed with fat and become swollen.

By quitting alcohol, you can lower the risk of liver disease.

What do you think? Do you feel encouraged and motivated to stop drinking?

You can share your thoughts with us below.

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