Can a teenager take glutathione supplements & are they safe? – Dr. Rasya Dixit

In an age where more and more people are always craving to be fairer there is one wonder drug which is taking the media by whole. That is glutathione. Glutathione is an antioxidant. So it is a stress buster for your cells. Naturally it is produced inside your body. It was discovered that glutathione causes fairness in patients who were taking anti cancer medicines. Then it became a buzz word in the beauty industry. However there a lot of safety issues on glutathione especially when it is administered IV or in the injection method. So now lot of companies have bought out glutathione tablets. Glutathione is not well absorbed by taking it as a tablet. That means it is actually better to take foods which contain glutathione instead of spending a lot on taking supplements because they are very expensive. Foods which naturally contain glutathione includes tomatoes, avocados and walnuts. So increasing intake of these could actually improve skin tone. They also contain natural extracts like lycopenes and proanthocyanidins which also brighten the skin. So if it is a teenager first thing is don’t use any medicines without consultation of the doctor and instead try natural alternative.


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