Are there any medications to cure Chronic Eczema? – Dr. Rasya Dixit

Eczema is any skin condition which is dry and itchy and any skin condition which stays dry or itchy for more than 6 to 8 weeks, we call it as chronic eczema or long standing eczema or eczema which tends to come back. Eczema has multiple causes which could range from dry skin, any kind of contact with chronic irritants like chronic dermatitis with lot of use to water or soap or detergent or it could be exposure to particular allergens like sun. There could be people with skin diseases like atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, who will come under this broad umbrella term chronic eczema. Whenever we talk about eczema and ask a cure for this eczema. Sometimes it is not possible to completely cure the eczema because sometimes the inciting factors may not be completely withdrawn. For example if you have an allergy for one particular or one particular food, then you can stop it and the eczema is cured. But most eczemas have multiple factors which are contributing to it, for example if there is dry skin, we cannot completely cure dry skin because that is naturally the skin tendency is to go dry. On top of it if people use frequently hand wash, or frequently the use of hand sanitizers, then they are making the existing condition worse by drying out the skin. So eczema unfortunately is not a curable condition. But how you can manage eczema is by using frequently chemical free, fragrance free moisturizers, which can ne reapplied frequently on the affected area. Avoid too much of detergent use so that you are not inciting dryness, which is one of the primary things which makes eczema worse and using topical cyclosporine analogues, which can be prescribed under the guidance of the doctor, which can prevent eczema from coming back very frequently. Also eating foods which are rich in Omega fatty acids like flax seeds, fish, walnuts, help to keep the skin more supple, more hydrated, so avoiding more eczema tendencies.


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