How I’m Getting My Chronic Eczema Under Control: Dupixent Journey | 2nd Injection + 1 Month Update

*** Disclaimer: This Video is not sponsored! I purchased this product with my own money and I am choosing to document my journey in hopes it will help others!***

Hello everyone and welcome to video number 2 (Two) of my Chronic Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) Journey and experience with Dupixent! In the this video and the ones to follow I will be showing you guys the process and the results that I receive from Dupixent and also give you guys updates on my progress. In this video in particular, I received my second round of a Dupixent injection using the prefilled injector pin so I will be giving you guys a comparison of the prefilled syringe and the prefilled injector pin! Also I am giving you guys a one month update that includes whether the treatment is working (is my eczema going away or getting worse?) side effects (am I experiencing any?) and just my over all opinion on whether Dupixent is even worth it (will I be continuing with the treatment?)! I hope my journey helps anyone who deciding to use Dupixent and stay tuned for more updates… because Eczema is NOT Life but I don’t know whether or not Dupixent is the fix 😩🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️!

Love, Live, (My) Life…Jess4TV!

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#Dupixent #ChronicEczema #AtopicDermatitis


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