Dupixent Injection | Atopic Dermatitis #eczema|#dupixent | #shorts

After struggling to find some relief for my Atopic Dermatitis I finally found something that worked! With #Dupixent I no longer need to use steroid creams and ointments!

If you haven’t already please go check out my Living with Eczema video to see what my skin looked like before starting Dupixent.

Years ago I would have been extremely hesitant and embarrassed to even talk about my eczema. Dealing with #eczema was so draining not just physically, but emotionally and mentally! It tested my faith daily and I felt like no one could understand.

So now I share! Share my struggles…the good, the bad, and the ugly! I share so that my story might help at least one person not give up. To keep searching for something that just might work, and to know that they are not alone.

Thank you for your support! Please share this with someone who may benefit from this video.

Have a blessed day!

#atopicdermatitis #dupixent #eczema


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