The 3 different types of food to understand if you want to heal your SKIN

I know that nobody wants to be told what to eat and what not to eat. It can be so annoying, right?

And I want to make it clear that I don’t share this information to tell you what to eat. You decide that all on your own. And I’m not sharing this information to scare you either.

I just don’t want you to live in denial anymore.

This is about empowering you, so that you can make the best possible choices for your skin condition and your overall health.

So basically, there are 3 different types of food that we can choose from.


This food is feeding the very virus that is giving us our skin conditions. If you’re suffering with your skin then these foods are only making your symptoms worse. You should try to stay away from these foods as much as possible. For example; eggs, gluten, dairy, soda, pork, corn, soy, lamb, oils etc.


This food is not feeding the virus in your body, but it doesn’t really contribute to any healing either. These are especially great for when you’re starting to transition away from the harmful foods, but the further you come in your healing you’ll realise that these foods are taking up valuable space. For example: chickpeas, beans, gluten free pasta, gluten free oats, millet, quinoa, brown rice etc


This food is actively killing pathogens in our bodies. These foods also help you deal with stress, boosts your immune system and gives you strength and flexibility to be able to live and feel good. This is pure medicine and should be your main focus if you’re trying to heal. For example: wild blueberries, bananas, leafy greens, apples, watermelon, asparagus, broccoli, herbs, potatoes etc.

If you want help healing your eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo or rosacea, go ahead and book a 1:1 coaching session with me!

If you’re not sure, go ahead and book a Free Discovery Call with me so that we can get to know each other and see if we’re a good fit.

You can heal. You deserve to heal. And I would LOVE to guide you in the right direction!


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