Puriya Helps Relieve Perioral Dermatitis, A Type of Eczema | Puriya Review Testimony

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About two years ago, Keller Champetier developed dry skin all around her mouth and under her nose. It was irritating and she tried various lotions and moisturizers but it wasn’t going away.

A dermatologist diagnosed Keller with perioral dermatitis, a type of eczema which is very difficult to get rid of. She was put on antibiotics for six months and it ruined her immune system. She tried different creams and steroids over the period of 2 years which only made her skin worse, redder and more irritated.

She Googled creams for dermatitis, found Puriya and decided to give it a try. Within 3 days after using Puriya creams for dermatitis, the dry skin all around her mouth and under her nose went away. The skin was no longer red and she could move her mouth.

Keller say if you are looking for any kind of cream to enhance your daily regimen this is the cream.


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