What is Eczema & its management? – Dr. Parthasarathi Dutta Roy

Eczema is quite a common problem and dryness is the main thing in eczema. It can be acute and chronic according to the duration of the disease. If it is mild redness, oedema and itchiness we can call it acute and in case of long duration disease where itching and scaling is severe we call it chronic eczema. We usually diagnose eczema by clinical manifestations. If required we do some investigations like biopsy, patch test. In some cases it is difficult to treat. Recurrence is very common. In acute eczema mild steroid cream, antihistamine tablet will do. In chronic eczema we may have to use systemic steroids, if bacterial infection is there systemic antibiotics as well, topical steroid creams and antihistamines if required. We also advice patients to avoid too much oily spicy food and non veg. Eczema is a vast subject. Even in seborrheic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, irritant dermatitis you can see eczema. All dermatitis are eczema whereas all eczemas are not dermatitis.


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