Eczema Treatment for Skin Diseases and Eczema in Hindi

What is Skin Diseases?
There are various of skin infection that affects humans body. People usually have some skin diseases which they are not aware of. Rashes are common skin diseases which can arise by having high dosage of medicine and due to sweating.

What are the Name of Skin diseases?
Here are some skin diseases:
Seborrheic dermatitis Seborrheicdermatitis can appear anywhere and it is prone to flare up and disappear for the rest of person’s life. In this condition the skin may become reddish, swollen and appear greasy. A white-to-yellow crust may appear on the surface of the skin. There are many treatments which help in relief from this skin disease
Moles Common growth on the skin that appear when your skin cells bunch up with tissue surrounding them. Most people have moles and may develops new ones from time to time. Moles don’t have any symptoms, but you should be regularly checked if they grow larger, appear abnormal or change in color.

Melanoma Abnormal may leads to a serious and life threatening skin cancer. If mole have become asymmetrical shapes, ragged edges, uneven colors or change in size then it should be checked and You should consult a doctor who is specializes in skin diseases.

Lupus It is complex disorder that varies from person to person. It will affect your immune system causing inflammation and pain. This disease can affect in any parts of the body. If you see any red circle on the skin then it is not a ringworm it can be lupus. You should not itch or hurt. The other symptoms are headaches, fever, fatigue swollen and joint pain.


What is Eczema?
Everything you should know about Eczema. It is a condition where skin become red, itchy and inflamed. Eczema is a common problem and in many cases it can manage. Around 30 million of Americans have some form of eczema. Eczema can range from mild, moderate to severe. This is most common in babies and children to develop eczema on their face but it can appear in any parts of the body. Eczema goes away as a child grows older, though some children will continue to experience eczema into adulthood.

What are the types of Eczema?
There are several types of eczema :
1. Allergic contact dermatitis
2. Dyshidrotic eczema
3. Neurodermatitis
4. Nummular eczema
5. Seborrheic eczema
6. Stasis dermatitis

What are the symptoms of Eczema?
Eczema symptoms can be different for everyone. It can appear in different areas of the body at different times. Eczema may be usually itchy and allergic . In some people , the itch is usually only mild, or moderate but in some cases it can become much worse and you might develop extremely inflamed skin. Over itching may cause bleeds which can make your eczema worse. Some symptoms are :
Dry, sensitive skin
Red, inflamed skin
Very bad itching
Dark colored patches of skin
Rough, leathery or scaly patches of skin
Areas of swelling

You may have all of these symptoms of eczema or only just a few but the only way to know if you have eczema for sure is to visit a skin doctor, then he or she may tell you about the eczema in your body.

What are the causes of Eczema?
There are environmental factors by which eczema are caused by :
Using soaps, detegents, shampoo.
Dust mites, pets, pollen, mold and dandruff.
Very hots or cold weather, high and low humidity and perspiration from exercise.
Dairy products, eggs, nuts and seeds.
Women can experience eczema at the times when their hormone levels are changing.

What are the treatments from Eczema?
There are some cure from Eczema :
Taking lukewarm baths daily.
Using a mild soap or a non-soap cleanser when washing.
Wearing cotton and soft fabric.
Avoiding rapid changes of temperature and acticities that make you sweat.
Keeps your finger nails short to prevent scratching from breaking the skin.
Learning and avoiding individual eczema triggers.
Apply moisturizer within 3 minutes of bathing to lock in moisture.
Moisturizer every day.
Some medication prescribed by doctor.


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