Why Cucumber Juice is great for your SKIN

Cucumber juice is an excellent healing tool to bring in if you want to heal from eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo or rosacea. It’s quick to make, and it tastes good too!

Here’s why I recommend it:

🥒 Cucumbers have a cooling effect which makes them excellent at cooling a hot, stagnant liver.

🥒 Cucumbers can reverse liver damage, dialling back 10 to 15 years of toxin exposure (including from heavy metals and pesticides) and poor diet, when eaten on a daily basis.

🥒 Cucumbers contain electrolyte compounds specifically geared toward nourishing and cooling down overused adrenal glands and kidneys that are struggling with their task of filtering out toxic debris.

🥒 Cucumber hydrates at the deepest cellular level.

🥒 Cucumber is very rejuvenating and highly alkalising.

🥒 Cucumber juice has the ability to cleanse and detox the entire body.

🥒 Cucumber juice also has wonderful anti-inflammatory benefits which can significantly benefit autoimmune skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo and rosacea.

Medical Medium recommends 3.5 to 6 dl of fresh cucumber juice daily on an empty stomach to help hydrate and recover the body.

I use 2-3 cucumbers, depending on size, to get 4-6 dl of cucumber juice. If you buy organic cucumbers, just give them a good wash and then run them through the juicer. If you buy conventional cucumbers you can peel them or give them a proper scrub before you juice them.

I usually drink it in the afternoon, about 2 hours after my lunch, to make sure my stomach is empty and ready for the cucumber juice. But no matter when you drink it, always make sure you drink it 20-30 minutes away from other foods and drinks.

Eating cucumber itself is helpful and should be part of your diet, but there are even more benefits when you juice it. It’s the best way to get the powerful healing benefits, especially for anyone with a chronic illness.

Are you ready to give it a go? Or are you already enjoying the benefits of the cucumber juice?


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