12 ALARMING Signs You Have A Nutritional Deficiency!

Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for your overall health as it provides your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. These perform a variety of functions like building tissues, transmitting nerve signals and eliminating waste. Today’s video will explore symptoms of a nutritional deficiency.

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#Nutrition #Deficiency #PlanetHealth

✅ Sources:

⏱️Intro – 0:00
⏱️Poor night vision and white growths on the eyes – 00:29
⏱️Dental Problems – 01:15
⏱️Red Or White Bumps on Skin – 01:47
⏱️Severe hair loss – 02:21
⏱️Burning sensation in the feet or tongue – 03:07
⏱️Scaly patches and dandruff – 03:49
⏱️Brittle Hair – 04:33
⏱️Pale Skin – 05:01
⏱️Fingernail Ridges – 05:36
⏱️Weak Bones – 06:02
⏱️Dry Skin and Wrinkles – 06:47
⏱️Slow Healing Wounds – 07:23

🎵 Music:

✍️ Summary:
Poor night vision and white growths on the eyes: A nutrient-poor diet can lead to vision problems. Vitamin A deficiency is commonly associated with night blindness, a condition that impairs the ability to see in low light or darkness.

Dental Problems: The mouth is one of the earliest indicators of poor nutrition. A lack of vitamin C can cause bleeding, irritated gums leading to gingivitis or gum disease. In severe cases, tooth loss can occur.

Red Or White Bumps on Skin: Keratosis Pilaris is a health condition where the arms, cheeks, buttocks and thighs develop small red or white bumps, possibly containing ingrown hairs. This condition is more common in children and tends to fade.

Severe hair loss: While everyone loses about 100 strands of hair a day, suddenly finding clumps of hair could be a sign of bigger issues.

Burning sensation in the feet or tongue: Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause burning sensations in the feet or tongue.

Scaly patches and dandruff: Dermatitis and dandruff are skin disorders that cause itchy and flaky skin, typically in the areas of the body where oil is produced.

Brittle Hair: A lack of Vitamin B7 or biotin can cause split ends and hair thinning. Deficiency of biotin can cause muscle fatigue and cramps as well.

Pale Skin: Pale skin can be a sign of iron deficiency that lowers the level of hemoglobin in the blood resulting in a loss of color in the skin and other places such as the gums, nails, the inside of lips and eyelids.

Fingernail Ridges: Poor nutrition can affect the health of the nails making them thin and brittle, among other changes.

Weak Bones: The absorption of calcium and its maintenance of strong, healthy bones depends on the presence of vitamin D.

Dry Skin and Wrinkles: Essential fatty acids, especially Omega-6, are crucial for maintaining skin health by preventing water loss through the formation of a protective barrier.

Slow Healing Wounds: Vitamin D is important for various body processes, including wound healing and skin health.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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