Foods That Will Make You Look 10 Years Younger

Certain foods will make your face look much younger or older. Common skin problems are usually a result of a poor diet according to Nigma Talib, a naturopathic doctor and skin specialist. She is also the author of Reverse The Signs Of Ageing: The Revolutionary Inside-Out Plan To Glowing, Youthful Skin. Your diet has products that change your face, so it’s important to eat foods that change it in a positive way.

#BeautyFood #Nutrition #PerfectSkin

Intro – 0:00
4. Wine: 00:54
3. Sugar: 2:44
2. Dairy: 4:15
1. Gluten: 5:15
– Avocadoes: 6:42
– Broccoli: 7:54
– Tomatoes: 8:31


4. Wine: Talib says that one of the drinks that impact our face is wine. It causes redness between the eyes, enlarges your pores, gives you droopy eyelids, and flushes your cheeks and nose. It causes this because alcohol dehydrates your skin. This can happen with high consumptions of any alcohol as well. The body metabolizes alcohol from an enzyme in the liver. This releases a byproduct which is called acetaldehyde, which is extremely toxic to your body tissues. When this occurs, our skin and body tissues become dehydrated. This can cause premature aging in our skin, which causes wrinkles. Dry skin can also lead to breakouts, which may be why you start to develop pimples or zits after a night of drinking. Alcohol also dilates the pores in our skin. This can lead to whiteheads and blackheads, which can lead to inflamed skin papules and acne.

Alcohol also causes our body tissues to inflame. This is because it causes our bodies to release histamines which affect the blood capillaries. This causes our skin to turn red. And if someone excessively drinks over a period of multiple years, this redness of the skin can actually become permanent. What’s more is that alcohol also dehydrates us and impairs our sleep. This can affect the body’s regenerative cycle which our bodies go into while we are sleeping. This can lead to a dull complexion.

3. Sugar: As much as we all love to eat our favorite sugary snacks, you should really start to limit the amount of sugar you have in your diet. This is because sugar can cause lines and wrinkles on your forehead, sagginess under your eyes and thinning of the skin, according to Talib. She says that removing processed sugar from your diet is the easiest fix. She adds that even cutting your intake in half will provide rapid improvements to your complexion. Substituting processed sugar with natural sources like fruits, honey and dates will help as well.

2. Dairy: Dairy may have some harmful effects on your skin, particularly if you already have issues with acne or tend to break out easily. And if you consume a lot of dairy, you’ll experience bags and dark circles under your eyes, swollen eyelids and white spots and bumps under your chin, says Talib.

To fix this, Talib recommends removing dairy from your diet because you may be intolerant to it. Refrain from it for three weeks and observe the changes it has on your energy, digestion, and complexion. Another thing you should note about dairy is that if you have acne, dairy may irritate your condition. According to Healthline, some research states that the artificial hormones which dairy cows are treated with could throw hormones in the human body off balance. This could potentially trigger acne. Healthline also states that when combined with refined foods and processed sugar, milk products can disrupt insulin levels and cause the skin to be more prone to acne.

1. Gluten: High intakes of gluten can cause dark pigmentation and spots around the chin and puffy red cheeks. It takes a toll on the immune system and disrupts the balance of reproductive hormones which is what causes dark pigmentation on the chin. If you have a gluten sensitivity, you may be more susceptible to certain skin conditions than other people. There are many different types of skin conditions which can occur as a result of celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. This includes acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Psoriasis affects larger areas of the skin. It is a type of immune reaction which is commonly linked to certain grain proteins like gliadin. A study which was published in the British Journal of Dermatology found that those who ate a gluten free diet had significantly improved skin. The National Psoriasis Foundation recommends that those who are sensitive to gluten or have celiac disease stick to a gluten free diet to reduce the risk of these symptoms

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