Jeffrey Smith – Secret Ingredients

It’s the Food.
Change your food. Change your health.
Coming January 2020 – Pregnancy Advantage

Jeffrey Smith
Institute for Responsible Technology

Secret Ingredients

Protect Nature Now

Genetic Roulette

Azure Standards

A genetically modified organism (GMO) is any organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.

Toxin- Poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms.

Allergen – Type of antigen that produces an abnormally vigorous immune response in which the immune system fights off a perceived threat that would otherwise be harmless to the body.

Gene Pool
Set of all genes, or genetic information, in any population, usually of a particular species.

Glyphosate -broad-spectrum systemic herbicide and crop desiccant. It is used to kill weeds, especially annual broadleaf weeds and grasses that compete with crops.

Round Up Ready
A genetically modified soybean is a soybean that has had DNA introduced into it using genetic engineering techniques. In 1996 the first genetically modified soybean was introduced to the U.S. market, by Monsanto. In 2014, 90.7 million hectares of GM soy were planted worldwide, 82% of the total soy cultivation area.

Glyphosate kills plants by interfering with the synthesis of the essential amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan. These amino acids are called “essential” because animals cannot make them; only plants and micro-organisms can make them and animals obtain them by eating plants.

Bacillus thuringiensis (or Bt)
biological pesticide. Upon sporulation, it forms crystals called Cry proteins), which are encoded by cry genes. Cry toxin is then inserted into the insect gut cell membrane, paralyzing the digestive tract and forming a pore. The insect stops eating and starves to death.

Leaky gut:
Increased intestinal permeability, the phenomenon whereby the intestine wall exhibits excessive permeability.

Blood–brain barrier (BBB) Semipermeable border that separates the circulating blood from the brain and extracellular fluid in the central nervous system (CNS). May become leaky in select neurological diseases.

Monarch butterflies important food source for birds, small animals, and other insects.

Caddisflies are useful as bioindicators, sensitive to water pollution

If they die… Houston…we have a problem.

Pseudomonas syringae – plant pathogen, it can infect a wide range of species

Cadaverine is a foul-smelling, similar to putrescine’s NH2(CH2)4NH2.

Gabazine – It is used in scientific research and has no role in medicine, as it would be expected to produce convulsions if used in humans.

chelation therapy to remove toxic metals from the body

Bottom line…
Make every bite count.
Know where your food source comes from.
Get the best quality whole food plant-based you can afford.
Purchase organic and GMO free when possible.

Microbial imbalance or maladaptation on or inside the body,

Gradual accumulation of substances, such as pesticides, or other chemicals in an organism.

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL)
blood cancers. Symptoms include enlarged lymph nodes, fever, night sweats, weight loss and tiredness. Other symptoms may include bone pain, chest pain or itchiness.

Top 17 Health Problems That Improved in People Who Switched From GMO to Organic Diets

1. Digestive: 85.2%
2. Fatigue, low energy: 60.4%
3. Overweight or obesity: 54.6%
4. Clouding of consciousness, “brain fog”: 51.7%
5. Food allergies or sensitivities: 50.2%
6. Mood problems, such as anxiety or depression: 51.1%
7. Memory, concentration: 48.1%
8. Joint pain: 47.5%
9. Seasonal allergies: 46.6%
10. Gluten sensitivities: 42.2%
11. Insomnia: 33.2%
12. Other skin conditions (not eczema): 30.9%
13. Hormonal problems: 30.4%
14. Musculoskeletal pain: 25.2%
15. Autoimmune disease: 21.4%
16. Eczema: 20.8%
17. Cardiovascular problems, including high blood pressure: 19.8%

Biomagnification – Increasing concentration of a substance, such as a toxic chemical, in the tissues of tolerant organisms at successively higher levels in a food chain.

Epigenetics – involves changes that affect gene activity and expression

A 2010 Hayes study concluded that atrazine rendered 75% of male frogs sterile and turned one in 10 into females.

Application of glufosinate to plants leads to reduced glutamine and elevated ammonia levels in tissues, halting photosynthesis, resulting in plant death.


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