The Dangerous Impacts Of Obesity On Your Body And Health

In today’s video, we will be discussing the 9 major negative effects of obesity you cannot overlook. Are your joint pains a direct result? What about liver issues, and difficulty breathing?

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Medical Disclaimer:

#Obesity #ObesityRisks #Bestie


Intro – 0:00
Joint Pain – 00:27
Respiratory issues – 01:04
Liver issues – 02:43
Infertility and pregnancy complications – 03:36
Skin Issues – 04:24
Nervous System – 05:27
Gastrointestinal Complications – 06:11
Type 2 Diabetes & Obesity – 06:54
Increased risk of strokes – 07:51


1. Joint Pain
Obesity is the presence of excess body weight. Ideally, the average body fat percentage for an adult male is considered to be between 12-20%. For adult females, it is 20-30%.

2. Respiratory Issues
All of this could be related to your weight, unfortunately. Obesity is more than an uncomfortable nuisance. It brings a lot of health complications in the form of respiratory issues.

3. Liver Issues
Obesity often leads to a form of liver disease called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). It is actually a wide collection of liver diseases such as fatty liver, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, even the cirrhosis of the liver, in some advanced cases.

4. Infertility And Pregnancy Complications
Obesity and excess body weight are critical to several reproductive issues, causing infertility among male and female. In fact, a few cancers of the reproductive system like testicular, breast, ovarian, and prostate are closely linked to obesity.

5. Skin Issues
Well who doesn’t like to have beautiful flawless skin! But obesity could be a major hindrance between you and your skin goal.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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