What does dry white itchy patch with redness indicate?-Dr. Rasya Dixit

Often lot of patients come to us asking questions on red patch or itchy patchy or a dry patch. Doctors often make diagnosis based on information of symptom and signs. Also it depends on where is the patch. When there is a red, itchy, dry and scaly patch I would definitely think that there is some kind of inflammation. The body is reacting to something. Since it is very dry and not oozy or pus filled I would like to say that it is not infectious in condition. It could either be an allergy or a contact dermatitis. Since it is very difficult to give a correct diagnosis I would suggest you to meet a dermatologist. They can examine you and see if any test is needed. If it is a fungal infection you would need a KOH scraping test for it. Or based on where it is located like an eczema treatment and it is better to seek the help of a dermatologist.


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