How to manage Lichen planus not responding to antihistamines? – Dr. Nischal K

Lichen planus which is not coming under control with antihistamines or tacrolimus may need internal treatment. So when it comes to internal medications if the severity is not too much we do give a short dose of prednisolone for sometime. So it is a steroid which is usually given for about three to four weeks and once the activity comes down we stop it. Whenever the activity is too severe or it is extensive we go for immune modulators. Immune modulators like cyclosporine, methotrexate have been used. In rare cases to reduce the inflammation and the itching dapsone can be used. However each of these have to be started after some series of blood test and some investigations. You need to see all systems of the body are normal and then only we can start these medications. These medications come with little of their own side effect profile but if taken properly there is no harm in taking these medications sometime to treat lichen planus.


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