Malassezia Control Routine (Short!)

Malassezia overgrowth is responsible for or exacerbates several skin conditions:
MALASSEZIA FOLLICULITIS (“fungal acne”, red itchy pimples)
ECZEMA (atopic dermatitis, itchy, scaly blotchy, cracking skin)
HEAD AND NECK DERMATITIS (a specific form of atopic dermatitis)
SEBORRHEIC DERMATITIS (inflamed, scaly skin, often itchy with acne, or scaly scalp, often itchy with dandruff)
ROSACEA (visible blood vessels, stinging flushed skin, red nose, pimples that look like acne)
RAZOR BUMPS (painful itchy bumps from shaving)
HOT TUB RASH (red rash of round, itchy bumps after being in a hot tub or pool)
TINEA BARBAE (“Barber’s Itch”, circular rash with red, sometimes itchy, scaly lesions)

If you have an itchy rash, it’s important to seek medical attention to determine the cause of the problem. If a skin concern is related to Malassezia overgrowth, use this simple skincare routine to re-balance the skin microbiome.

For more information about the skincare routine I recommend:

Learn more about how Malassezia affects the skin about how to control Malassezia overgrowth naturally:


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