What Is Psoriasis | Symptoms | Treatments | Causes | Pictures | Types

What is Psoriasis | Symptoms | Treatments | Causes | Pictures | Types
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder that is marked by patches of intensely itchy and flaky skin that doesn’t go away with regular moisturizers the way most ordinary dry skin will. It can affect any part of the body, even the scalp, and nails, and can be mild, moderate or severe. Health Mayo clinic
what is psoriasis | symptoms | treatments | causes | pictures | types

Basic Symptoms
Skin itchiness and general discomfort are the two things people most commonly associate with the disease, and it often starts out as no more than brief rashes over certain parts of the body that look like little more than dry skin.

Main Types
There are usually five recognized types of the disorder, each with its own intensity and symptom specifications. Plaque psoriasis causes red, silvery-white, scaly skin lesions, and this is the most common variety.

Triggers and Causes
The pictures are caused by genes and are usually recognized by those in the medical profession as an inherited genetic disorder. Not everyone who carries the genes for the disorder will necessarily suffer from it,

Treatment Options
There isn’t usually any way to completely cure the pictures, insofar as it is not medically possible to recode peoples’ genetic predispositions. Certain medications and treatment regimens can help keep flare-ups suppressed, though, and can dramatically alter patients’ quality of and enjoyment of life.

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What is Psoriasis | Symptoms | Treatments | Causes | Pictures | Types

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